AWS - sharing jars or business logic across multiple lambdas

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Let me give the scenario, I have a small application with java projects or jar files holding business logic. These logic codes for jar files reside on individual lambas, more than twenty of them.

The problem is with every logic change I have to re deploy lambdas. So they are on the same page.

Can we point out S3 buckets and let my lambdas include the jar as they are run? That way I will only have to re deploy codes.Can AWS Code Pipeline be an option?
May 7, 2018 in Cloud Computing by brat_1
• 7,200 points

1 answer to this question.

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See if you can set up a strong CI/CD pipeline that automates the deployments, so that with each library update, you should be able to update the Lambdas. Using AWS Code Pipeline is just an option.

You may face problems when you use S3 to store the Jar and download (to /tmp folder in Lambda) it upon execution is that it will affect the application performance even if you download it and execute the code with reflection.

I hope this helps though
answered May 7, 2018 by DragonLord999
• 8,450 points

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