What patterns can I use to partition rate limits by user or API key in a horizontally scaled Spring Gen AI application

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How can I use patterns to partition rate limits by user or API key in a horizontally scaled Spring Gen AI application?
Nov 27 in Generative AI by Ashutosh
• 5,810 points

1 answer to this question.

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To partition rate limits by user or API key in a horizontally scaled Spring Gen AI application, you can use a distributed store like Redis with keys uniquely tied to users or API keys. You can refer to the below steps:

  • Add Redis Dependency:

  • Rate Limiting by User or API Key:

  • Controller Usage:

Here is the code showing the above steps:

In the above code, we are using Redis Key Partitioning to Use rate_limit:{apiKey} for unique rate limit partitions, ZSET Data Structure, which Efficiently manages sliding windows with timestamp tracking, and Atomic Transactions, which ensures consistent updates in distributed environments.

Hence, referring to the above, you can partition rate limits by user or API key in a horizontally scaled Spring Gen AI application

answered Nov 27 by amisha

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