How can I enumerate SNMP information using tools like snmpwalk

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I need to gather SNMP information for network analysis, and I’ve heard that tools like snmpwalk can be useful for enumerating device details. However, I’m not entirely clear on how to structure snmpwalk commands or interpret the output. Could someone guide me on how to use snmpwalk effectively for SNMP enumeration, including which options to use for gathering comprehensive data from SNMP-enabled devices?

If there are any examples of snmpwalk usage that show common SNMP queries or help in retrieving useful information, I’d appreciate it.
Nov 6 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 6,190 points

1 answer to this question.

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Using tools like snmpwalk to enumerate SNMP information is a potent method for network investigation that gives you comprehensive knowledge about devices that support SNMP.


  • SNMP Access: Make sure you have the relevant SNMPv3 credentials (passwords, authentication protocol, privacy protocol, and username) or the required SNMP read-only community string (for SNMPv1/v2c) for the target device.
  • snmpwalk Tool: Set up the snmpwalk utility. It is frequently included in the Net-SNMP package, which may be installed using Homebrew on macOS (brew install net-snmp) or the package manager on the majority of Linux distributions (sudo apt-get install snmp on Debian/Ubuntu systems, for example).

Basic Syntax of snmpwalk

The basic syntax for snmpwalk is as follows:

snmpwalk [options] <IP_Address> <OID|community_string>
  • [options]: Various flags to customize the query.
  • <IP_Address>: The IP address of the SNMP-enabled device.
  • <OID|community_string>: Either the OID (Object Identifier) for a specific piece of information or the community string for broader queries. For SNMPv3, you'll specify authentication details instead.

Common Options for Comprehensive Data Gathering

  • -v1, -v2c, -v3: Specify the SNMP version. Use -v3 for more secure SNMPv3 queries.
  • -c COMMUNITY: Specify the community string (for SNMPv1/v2c).
  • -l secLevel: Set the security level for SNMPv3 (e.g., noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv, authPriv).
  • -u USERNAME: Specify the username for SNMPv3.
  • -a AUTH_PROTOCOL: Choose the authentication protocol for SNMPv3 (e.g., MD5, SHA).
  • -A AUTH_PASSWORD: Provide the authentication password for SNMPv3.
  • -x PRIV_PROTOCOL: Select the privacy protocol for SNMPv3 (e.g., DES, AES).
  • -X PRIV_PASSWORD: Enter the privacy password for SNMPv3.
  • -t TIMEOUT: Set a timeout in seconds.
  • -r RETRIES: Specify the number of retries.

Examples for SNMP Enumeration with snmpwalk

1. Basic SNMPv2c Walk

Gather all available information using SNMPv2c:

snmpwalk -v2c -c public

2. SNMPv3 Query for System Information

Retrieve system information (. using SNMPv3:

snmpwalk -v3 -l authNoPriv -u myuser -a MD5 -A myauthpass .

3. Enumerating Network Interfaces with SNMPv2c

Fetch network interface details (. using SNMPv2c:

snmpwalk -v2c -c public .

4. Comprehensive Walk with SNMPv3 and Privacy

Perform a comprehensive walk with SNMPv3, including authentication and privacy:

snmpwalk -v3 -l authPriv -u myuser -a MD5 -A myauthpass -x AES -X myprivpass
answered Nov 18 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 9,150 points

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