How can developers implement secure messaging systems to prevent message-based attacks

+1 vote
I’m interested in best practices for building secure messaging systems that can resist message-based attacks, such as unauthorized access, message tampering, and impersonation. What approaches can be used to prevent these risks? I’m specifically looking for information on encryption practices, message validation, and user authentication.

Any recommended techniques or libraries for securing messaging systems, especially for applications dealing with sensitive information, would be appreciated.
Nov 6 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 6,190 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

In order to build a secure messaging system that is resistant to message-based attacks, we can use a combination of encryption, authentication, integrity checks, and secure transport layers.

To secure a messaging system against attacks:

  • End-to-End Encryption (E2EE): Use AES-256 for message encryption; RSA/ECC for key exchange. Libraries: Libsodium, OpenSSL.
  • Digital Signatures: Sign messages with the sender’s private key to confirm authenticity and integrity. Libraries: Node.js crypto module, PyCryptodome.
  • Message Authentication Code (MAC): Use HMAC with SHA-256 to prevent tampering. Libraries: Crypto.js, Bouncy Castle.
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Authenticate users with digital certificates. PKI setup or OAuth 2.0 for web.
  • TLS Encryption: Protect messages in transit with HTTPS (TLS). Libraries: Let’s Encrypt, OpenSSL.
  • Replay Attack Prevention: Use unique nonces or timestamps in messages; reject duplicates.
  • Secure Key Management: Store keys in a secure location (e.g., AWS KMS, Azure Key Vault).
  • Regular Key Rotation: Periodically update keys to reduce risk.
  • Audit Logs: Track user actions and access for incident response.
answered Nov 7 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 9,150 points
The explanation covers the essentials well, but it would be great to see an example implementation of E2EE using Libsodium or a similar library. That would make the concepts even more practical for developers!

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