Break for loop in an if statement

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Currently having trouble with breaking this for loop. I want to break it if the variable is not found in this list so it can move two another for loop. It expects an indented block for the top of the for loop, but if I change the position of the break or of the start of the for loop, it doesn't work. Help!

while cyclenumb <= 10000:

    for x in userpassword[k]:
        for z in lowercaselist:
            if x in z:
                k +=1

    for x in userpassword[k]:
        for z in uppercaselist:
            if x in z:
                k +=1
Oct 23, 2018 in Python by ana1504.k
• 7,910 points

1 answer to this question.

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You'll need to break out of each loop separately, as people have mentioned in the comments for your question, break only stops the loop which it's in

for x in userpassword[k]:
    for z in lowercaselist:
        if x in z:
            k +=1

     if x in z: # added an extra condition to exit the main loop
You'll need to do this for both loops
answered Oct 23, 2018 by SDeb
• 13,300 points

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