Dax code for calculated columns

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I have sample data

11, John, CS101, enrol,1,2000-01-01,2000-03-31
11, John, CS101, grant,2,2000-04-01,2000-04-30
11, John, CS101, cancel,3,2000-04-01,2000-04-30
11, John, PHIL, enrol, 1, 2000-02-01,2000-03-31
11, John, PHIL, grant, 2, 2000-04-01,2000-04-30

Here the columns represent number of actions, student name, their course names, course action- enroll, cancel or grant and the from-to dates for filtering purpose. There is a need for adding the number for distinct student and course, the composite key . How to add this to the code?

Oct 22, 2018 in Power BI by lina
• 8,220 points

1 answer to this question.

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I would recommend you to adjust the data model than adding the cancellation logic to your dax.
answered Oct 22, 2018 by Hannah
• 18,540 points
Could you please elaborate a little more or explain with an example?

For example, if you could add a column to your data model that flags a row as subsequently cancelled, then all DAX has to do is check that flag to know if an action is cancelled or not. A CALCULATE statement. You don't have to have lots of logic to determine whether the event was cancelled. You entirely eliminate the need for SUMX, which can be slow when working with a lot of rows since it works row by row.

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