Why is it downloading the blocks when I am trying to deploy the ethereum private network

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I have downloaded ethereum wallet and I choose a private network for deployment, but it is taking too long to download blocks. Is it normal? Why is it downloading blocks when I have chosen a private network.?? From where these blocks are downloaded?
May 3, 2018 in Blockchain by Johnathon
• 9,090 points

1 answer to this question.

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Once you have installed the Ethereum wallet, you can select either the test network or the main network, on launching the wallet. The main network is the public homestead and the test network which is public ropsten network.

And, the blocks are downloaded from the peers, so if you want to launch a private network for yourself , you have to configure your client with a custom network ID and a genesis file.

answered May 3, 2018 by Shashank
• 10,400 points

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