Re-assigning a name to itself

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In the following lines of multiprocessing package of standard libraries:

dict = dict
list = list

What's the point of rebinding some names already available on __builtins__ into the module scope? What is it trying to achieve? I couldn't find a suitable and relevant explanation.
Oct 17, 2018 in Python by SDeb
• 13,300 points

1 answer to this question.

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This code occurs in multiprocessing.dummy, a "fake" version of multiprocessing that implements the functionality with threads. If you look down a few lines, you'll see

def Manager():
    return sys.modules[__name__]
multiprocessing.dummy implements Manager as a function that just returns the multiprocessing.dummy module itself, so the multiprocessing.dummy module object has to provide the API of a multiprocessing Manager object. The lines

dict = dict
list = list
copy the bindings for the dict and list names from the builtins namespace into the module's namespace, so you can do

m = multiprocessing.dummy.Manager()
d = m.dict()
as if you had a real multiprocessing.Manager()
answered Oct 17, 2018 by ana1504.k
• 7,910 points

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