Truffle Compile failing ParserError Expected token LParen got Identifier function

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truffle compile fails with the following error:

Error parsing /Users/rdelrosario/ron-eth-pet-shop/test/TestAdoption.sol: ParsedContract.sol:19:14: ParserError: Expected token LParen got 'Identifier'function testGetAdopterAddressByPetId() public {

Code is below:

pragma solidity ^0.4.17;

import "truffle/Assert.sol";
import "truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol";
import "../contracts/Adoption.sol";

contract TestAdoption {
  Adoption adoption = Adoption(DeployedAddresses.Adoption());

  // Testing the adopt() function
  function testUserCanAdoptPet() public {
    uint returnedId = adoption.adopt(8);

    uint expected = 8;

    Assert.equal(returnedId, expected, "Adoption of pet ID 8 should be recorded.");

    // Testing retrieval of a single pet's owner
    function testGetAdopterAddressByPetId() public {
      // Expected owner is this contract
      address expected = this;

      address adopter = adoption.adopters(8);

      Assert.equal(adopter, expected, "Owner of pet ID 8 should be recorded.");

    // Testing retrieval of all pet owners
    function testGetAdopterAddressByPetIdInArray() public {
      // Expected owner is this contract
      address expected = this;

      // Store adopters in memory rather than contract's storage
      address[16] memory adopters = adoption.getAdopters();

      Assert.equal(adopters[8], expected, "Owner of pet ID 8 should be recorded.");

Oct 9, 2018 in Blockchain by slayer
• 29,370 points

1 answer to this question.

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Your parentheses are mismatched.

pragma solidity ^0.4.17;

import "truffle/Assert.sol";
import "truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol";
import "../contracts/Adoption.sol";

contract TestAdoption {
  Adoption adoption = Adoption(DeployedAddresses.Adoption());

  // Testing the adopt() function
  function testUserCanAdoptPet() public {
    uint returnedId = adoption.adopt(8);

    uint expected = 8;

    Assert.equal(returnedId, expected, "Adoption of pet ID 8 should be recorded.");

  // Testing retrieval of a single pet's owner
  function testGetAdopterAddressByPetId() public {
    // Expected owner is this contract
    address expected = this;

    address adopter = adoption.adopters(8);

    Assert.equal(adopter, expected, "Owner of pet ID 8 should be recorded.");

  // Testing retrieval of all pet owners
  function testGetAdopterAddressByPetIdInArray() public {
    // Expected owner is this contract
    address expected = this;

    // Store adopters in memory rather than contract's storage
    address[16] memory adopters = adoption.getAdopters();

    Assert.equal(adopters[8], expected, "Owner of pet ID 8 should be recorded.");

answered Oct 9, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,230 points

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