Communication between Apache NiFi and iOT sensors

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I am noob at Apache Nifi.

I am having a use case where I need to parse and decode different kind of messages from sensors then transform and load the data in Hbase. 

All my sensors send data every 10 minutes through an API via a post request. Now,what I have done is a service with JAVA that listen on a specific port and do all the ETL dataflow.

 Any idea how can I use Apache Nifi for this use case ?

Oct 8, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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Your use case sounds like the kind of data flow NiFi was built to handle, and NiFi has specific capabilities you will want. NiFi has several processors that can help you implement an HTTP web service.

  • ListenHTTP - Simple receive from HTTP to a flowfile via POST.

  • HandleHttpRequest and HandleHttpResponse - Combination of processors for better control of HTTP verbs and response codes based on the processing the flowfile.

NiFi also has processors for working with HBase, especially PutHBaseJSON for inserting JSON source data into HBase.

In addition to these specific processors, NiFi has many processors for shaping and routing your data. I recommend looking at some of the Example Dataflow Templates, some appear directly relevant to your case:

answered Oct 8, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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