I'm studying about Appconfig to change my service from parameter store to Appconfig.
I have two applications in AWS Appconfig want to delete.
- application : TestApp
- configuration(0 EA) : None
- environment(1 EA) : test (has 2 deployments with deleted configurations)
-> I can't delete test environment though I don't have any configuration under this app. There are 2 deployments under test, but I deleted it.
BadRequestException: Cannot delete environment
because there are extensions associated with it.
Please remove the extension associations to this environment first.

- application : develop-config
- configuration(1 EA) : kakao (no flag configuration)
- environment(0 EA) : None
There is no flag in configuration, and no any deployed environments but I can't delete kakao configuration. I got error as bellow when I've tried to delete kakao configuration
BadRequestException: Cannot delete configuration profile
because there are extensions associated with it.
Please remove the extension associations to this configuration profile first.

I've created lambda function to test appconfig, but I deleted every lambda function and permission policy now. I think there is no extensions associated with these, But I still can't delete these applications.
Can I check every associated extensions with appconfig? Or is there any different way to delete it?