Which data structure to prefer to model a blockchain

+1 vote
I am working on Scala to implement mini-Blockchain, but I am not able to figure out a suitable data structure to model a Blockchain.

Can somebody tell me the most preferred database to implement my blockchain (considering the limitations and security conditions that exist in blockchain)
Apr 20, 2018 in Blockchain by anonymous

edited Aug 9, 2018 by Omkar 2,770 views

1 answer to this question.

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Best answer

To start with, let me tell you blockchain in itself is a data structure. A back-linked list of records.

If we take an example of bitcoin, the blockchain of which is stored in levelDB, which uses a key-value pair database, however you can also consider couch DB.

Hash map is also an option you can consider which is an in-memory data structure,here, the key is a hash of the contents (such as a block header). From there, the header's Merkel root would point to another hash map of transactions arranged in a Merkle tree (as per the protocol).

answered Apr 21, 2018 by Perry
• 17,100 points

selected Aug 9, 2018 by Omkar

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