How to setup Amazon Lightsail Subdomain

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I'm currently moving all of my hosting from a cheap shared hosting provider over to Amazon LightSail. Normally, when sending work over to clients for approval, I create a subdomain through my hosting provider's c-panel and upload the required files through FTP.

I am at a loss when it comes to setting up a subdomain through AWS Lightsail though. I've created a static IP and I've created the A record for the subdomain, but where do I put the directory that the files I want my client review for that subdomain sit and what IP address do I need to point the subdomain at?
Sep 6, 2018 in AWS by bug_seeker
• 15,520 points

1 answer to this question.

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AWS LightSail is different from shared hosting providers, where AWS provides Virtual Private Servers(VPS) with its own IP.

Generally VPS is for a single deployment of an application(e.g Single Wordpress Deployment per VPS). So it is recommended to get multiple VPS for your deployments unless your applications are really light weight and gets less traffic.

There is also a limit where you gets 2 VPS servers per AWS account by default. If you need more VPS, either you can send a support request to Amazon and increase the limit or use multiple AWS accounts (If you own the AWS accounts, you can setup consolidated billing)

In DNS setup, since its single application per VPS, you need to create a A record for each subdomain.
answered Sep 6, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,100 points

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