jQuery find and replace string

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I have somewhere on website a specific text, let's say "lollypops", and I want to replace all the occurrences of this string with "marshmellows". The problem is that I don't know where exactly the text is. I know I could do something like:

$(body).html($(body).html().replace('lollypops', 'marshmellows'));

This would probably work, but I need to rewrite as little HTML as I can, so I'm thinking something like:

  1. search for the string
  2. find the closest parent element
  3. rewrite only the closest parent element
  4. replace this even in attributes, but not all, for example replace it in class, but not in src

In example, I would have structure like this

       <span class="lollypops">Hello, World!</span>
       <img src="/lollypops.jpg" alt="Cool image" />

In this example, every occurrence of "lollypops" would be replaced, only <img src="... would remain the same and the only elements that would actually be manipulated would be <a> and both <span>s.
Does anybody know how to do this?

Jun 10, 2022 in JQuery by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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