Compress image up to maximum size 100kb at NodeJS or React Native

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To do so, I've looked into and tested a variety of libraries. The main goal of the work is to compress images (jpeg or png) to less than 100KB in size, regardless of their quality or resolution. It's fine if the quality and resolution are poor, but the file size should not exceed 100KB.

Is there anyone who could give me some advice?

I tried the imagemin and compress-images libraries, but they didn't compress the image very well, and I needed a result that was less than 100KB. So, despite the fact that I have a 5MB image file, I'd need it compressed to less than 100KB.
May 27, 2022 in Node-js by Vaani
• 7,070 points

1 answer to this question.

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Image Compression in React Native is a technique used to reduce the file size of images without losing any of the quality or detail of the original. This is done by reducing the number of colors and pixels used in an image and optimizing the image for faster loading times on mobile devices. It helps to maintain a balance between image quality and size, while also improving the user experience by reducing page loading times.
React Native Image Compression is a package that is used to compress images within a React Native application. It allows developers to easily reduce the size of an image while maintaining the quality of the image. It also allows developers to reduce the memory usage of an application by compressing images to a smaller size. The package works with both PNG and JPEG images, and provides options for customizing the level of compression and the output size of the images.
answered Apr 1, 2023 by DSKView
• 180 points

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