Differences between Agile Incremental and Waterfall development model

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What is the key difference between agile and Incremental and waterfall models? As a beginner software developer what model should I follow? I need to be clear.
Apr 12, 2022 in PMP by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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In the software business, the Waterfall and Incremental Models are the most often used development methodologies. Both of these methods are used to improve tracking and develop applications in a systematic manner.

We may distinguish between WaterFall Model and Incremental Model based on the type of steps or phases in both models as follows:

 An incremental model is a development method in which the complete model is broken into sub-development phases, with each development phase having its own testing phase. In other words, we may say that there is a testing phase for each stage of the development cycle, and the development phase's testing phase is planned in parallel.

In the Waterfall paradigm, on the other hand, the application is developed first, followed by various testing. In other words, the entire procedure in WaterFall is divided into various phases, each of which must be completed before moving on to the next, and testing is nearing the end of the development phase.

Each development step is tested at its own level in the incremental model, thus there is no pending testing. If any validation is required, it can be done at that phase.

In the case of the WaterFall Model, however, testing occurs after development is complete, therefore if any missing validation needs to be provided, that phase of development must first be recognised before the validation can be applied.

Because consecutive phases must be functional, the cost is more than the WaterFall Model, and the complexity is higher than the WaterFall Model.

Under contrast, in the WaterFall Model, due to linear development, only one phase of development is operational, resulting in lower cost and complexity than the Incremental Model.
answered Apr 13, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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