How can I prevent REF errors in Excel when connecting to Databricks through ODBC

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I have an excel file that uses an ODBC connection to connect to Azure Databricks. My aim is to be able to open the excel file, click "Refresh All" on the data tab, and have the most recent data in my excel report on a separate page labelled "Data." When I refer to that "Data" sheet on occasion (and I cannot reproduce this mistake), I receive a #REF! error that does not go away even after refreshing the data.

Is anyone aware of what is causing this, and can you assist me in taking preventative measures?

In case it matters, the "Data" sheet has the same amount of rows and columns every time.

I've looked on YouTube and Google for solutions, but I haven't been able to discover one.
Mar 23, 2022 in Azure by Edureka
• 12,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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The most efficient technique is to hit Ctrl + F (the locate function) and then select the Replace tab. In the Find area, type "#REF!" and leave the Replace field blank, then press Replace All. This will fix the problem by removing any #REF Excel errors from formulas.
answered Mar 25, 2022 by Edureka
• 13,620 points

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