How to calculate ctc probability for given input and expected output

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I'm doing my first tensorflow project.

I need to get ctc probability (not ctc loss) for given input and my expected sequences.

Is there any api or ways to do it in python or c++?

I prefer python side, but c++ side is also okay.
Mar 15, 2022 in Machine Learning by Nandini
• 5,480 points

1 answer to this question.

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The loss for a batch is defined as sum (log (p (z| x)) over all samples (x, z) in this batch, according to Graves work (1. With a batch size of 1, you will admit log (p (z| x), which is the log- probability of seeing the labelling z given the inputx.| With a batch size of 1, you will admit log (p (z| x), which is the log- probability of seeing the labelling z given the inputx. TensorFlow's ctc loss function can be used to negotiate this.
 You can alternately use the Forward-Backward Algorithm described in Section4.1 of the paper (1) to apply the essential bits yourself. It's possible to employ a introductory perpetration for bitsy input sequences by generating the paths indicated in Figure 3 and also casting over all of those paths in the RNN affair. I fulfilled this for a 16- character sequence and a 100- character sequence. The naive fashion was sufficient for the first, but the handed dynamic programming approach was needed for the alternate.
 (1) Connectionist Temporal Bracket Using Intermittent Neural Networks to Marker Unsegmented Sequence Data
answered Mar 17, 2022 by Dev
• 6,000 points

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