How python trim works

+1 vote
How to remove whitespaces from a string?
Apr 16, 2018 in Python by ana1504.k
• 7,910 points

6 answers to this question.

0 votes

It depends on one such space or all spaces. If the second, then strings already have a .strip() method:

>>> ' Welcome '.strip()
>>> ' Welcome'.strip()

>>> ' Welcome '.strip() # ALL spaces at ends removed

If you need only to remove one space however, you could do it with:

def strip_one_space(s):
if s.endswith(" "): s = s[:-1]
if s.startswith(" "): s = s[1:]
return s

>>> strip_one_space(" Welcome ")
' Hello'
Also, note that str.strip() removes other whitespace characters as well (e.g. tabs and newlines). To remove only spaces, you can specify the character to remove as an argument to strip, i.e.:

>>> " Welcome\n".strip(" ")

answered Apr 16, 2018 by anto.trigg4
• 3,440 points
+1 vote
>>> ' Hello '.strip()
>>> ' Hello'.strip()
answered Oct 18, 2018 by kalgie Mathew
+1 vote

If you need only to remove one space however, you could do it with:

def strip_one_space(s):
    if s.endswith(" "): s = s[:-1]
    if s.startswith(" "): s = s[1:]
    return s

>>> strip_one_space("   Hello ")
'  Hello'
answered Oct 18, 2018 by neha basuriwala
+1 vote

strip is not limited to whitespace characters either:

# remove all leading/trailing commas, periods and hyphens
title = title.strip(',.-')
answered Oct 18, 2018 by zulekha frm edureka
+1 vote

You want strip():

myphrases = [ " Hello ", " Hello", "Hello ", "Bob has a cat" ]

for phrase in myphrases:
    print phrase.strip()
answered Oct 18, 2018 by up4rescue
0 votes
You can use .strip() function to trim the whitespace from your text.
answered Feb 14, 2019 by Shashank
• 1,370 points

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