How can we connect Azure Web App to an Azure SQL Database

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Hey guys, Its been so long that I have used Azure and I need a little help here!

I have a web app, and a Sql DB in my Azure resource group. I want my web app to read from my DB. I made a firewall rule so that my app can read from the DB at my workstation (running locally), and that is fine. But I want my app to read from the DB when it is deployed.

Do I just make a sql firewall rule to allow the app's IP address when hosted through to the DB? Or is there a way I can tell azure that the web app, and the DB in the same resource group,and it is a secure connection? Perhaps that they could communicate with each other on an internal connection?

I think in the old Azure you could 'link' an app and a DB and it accomplished this. But not sure what the procedure is in the updated Azure.
Aug 9, 2018 in Azure by cloudie_crank
• 1,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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Its easy now!

Go to your Azure SQL Database and get a copy of the connection string. (It won't have your password, so you'll have to add that in a minute.

Next, go to your Web App, click on the "All Settings" and under then click "Application Settings".

Scroll down to "Connection Strings" and either create a new connection string (and paste it in from the first step) or update the existing connection string. Be sure to update the password in your connection string.

If you create a new connection string, make sure it's the same name as that one you are referencing in your code or you will have to change your code and redeploy as that as well.

Hope this helps!!

If you need to know more about Azure, then you should join Microsoft Azure certification course today.

Thank you!!

answered Aug 9, 2018 by club_seesharp
• 3,450 points

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