How to get the uniqe all rows

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I am new to this one. I want to extract unique rows in a document. In excel we use the filter and select a unique one and we get the unique ones all data. In talent how to get it? I use tuniqrow component but It gives the only one row of the data and other all rows are get rejects! 

file 1 name S1 S2 S3
A a 1 2 3
B b 4 5 7
C c 4 4 4
D d 2 4 1
E e 7 8 9
A a 5 6 9
A a 6 6 4
A a 55 21 1
B b 55 7 66
C c 7 77 7
D d 3 3 3
E e 2 2 2
E e 2 1 1
F f 8 8 8
A a 3 3 3
D d 33 3 3
A a 3 2 1
C c 2 7 8
B b 1 1 1

Here I mention a sample file. Now I use the tuniqrow component to file 1 column I get A, B, C, D, E, F unique. But I want "A" rows all data next "B" rows all data. Where all the "A" rows placed all the data was I want. this one technique we use excel in the help of a filter. Please help! Thank you.

Aug 18, 2020 in Talend by james
• 120 points

Hi @James,

Regarding your query you have few processes, I would suggest you go through this:

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