how to take a loop from SAP Application

+2 votes

I stuck in one scenario that is ,I am using Oracle Application.there object cloning is not working so i used to OCR but there One table is there ..i am not able to extract that table,in that table every record has some individual data ,,now i want to loop that table ..object cloning is not working so i used keystrokes..

1.we are at 1st record .i use enter ..then it shows me data i extracted that ..

2.again cursor  went to 1 record only i want go to second record and press enter then i want to extract inside i want to goto 3 rd record ..extrcat data this loop..

but problem is i cant extrct the table ....every time it is going to first record ....please suggest me the solution .

if i use loop for this how can i use loop for this ...if i want take loop with 100 times like this ...we dont know ,many records will come every time ..please suggest how to do loop this


Aug 12, 2019 in RPA by anonymous
• 140 points
I think in my opinions, you cannot use for loop to extract data from a table, as when you will try to use OCR, you have to give a screen sample, from where OCR will extract the data. Now you cannot give different Screen sample to OCR in a For loop.

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