How to support more than one trigger in AWS Lambda in Golang

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I am building an AWS Lambda function in Golang that copy the content from n to m S3 buckets. There is a requirement to support for S3 trigger as well as fetching the data from an SQS where all source S3 bucket change is stored. The code can be found here:

I tried following:

func main() {

func ProcessIncomingS3Events(event events.S3Event) error {
    log.Println("Got S3 Event")
    return processS3Trigger(config, event)

func ProcessIncomingEvents() error {
    log.Println("Defaulting to SQS")
    return processSQSMessage(config)

In this case, the first event ProcessIncomingS3Events is triggered every time.

I tried following as well

func main() {

func ProcessIncomingEvents(event interface{}) error {
    switch request := event.(type) {
    case events.S3Event:
        log.Println("Got S3 Event")
        return processS3Trigger(config, request)

    case types.Nil:
        log.Println("Defaulting to SQS")
        return processSQSMessage(config)

        log.Println("Could not find the event type")


    return nil

In this case, Lambda could not detect the type and Could not find the event type is logged in every trigger.

Is there a way to support multiple triggers via AWS SDK at all for the function?

Sep 12, 2018 in AWS by bug_seeker
• 15,520 points

1 answer to this question.

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In approach one, you are directly calling ProcessIncomingS3Events in first statement, so every time this is called.

Read this - Lambda Function Handler (Go)

In above link, the author is parsing event's name field. Similarly, you can check for any field which is always present in S3 event e.g. "eventSource":"aws:s3" (S3 event structure see here)

If present then S3 event else other. Or you can also check for SQS event's field.

answered Sep 12, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,100 points

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