While importing Datastore backup got Bad Character ASCII 0 error for BigQuery load

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Hi, while I was trying to load a DataStore backup of Google App Engine into a BigQuery using the tBigQueryBulkExec component of Talend, I got the following error:

location":"File: 0 / Line:8 / Field:1","message":"Bad character (ASCII 0) encountered: field starts with: ","reason":"invalid"}

Entire message:

{"configuration":{"load":{"createDisposition":"CREATE_NEVER","destinationTable":{"datasetId":"sample_red","projectId":" test","tableId":"bqload1"},"schema":{"fields":[{"name":"file","type":"STRING"}]},"skipLeadingRows":1,"sourceUris":["gs:// test.appspot.com/bucket/ahFzfnZpcmdpbi1yZWQtdGVzdHJBCxIcX0FFX0RhdGFzdG9yZUFkbWluX09wZXJhdGlvbhiB64MBDAsSFl9BRV9CYWNrdXBfSW5mb3JtYXRpb24YAQw.Challenge.backup_info"],"writeDisposition":"WRITE_TRUNCATE"}},"etag":"\"AJDc2PKvhXhnNlIwTi02BO3aoe8/1ZnlNbMA0eEnHxZQC_gKepG8Mio\"","id":" test:job_yFJa_JVN0E05GZQZNvtlZR6Bgjo","jobReference":{"jobId":"job_yFJa_JVN0E05GZQZNvtlZR6Bgjo","projectId":"test"},"kind":"bigquery#job","selfLink":"https://www.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/buckett/jobs/job_yFJa_JVN0E05GZQZNvtlZR6Bgjo","statistics":{"endTime":"1427358416307","startTime":"1427358414687","creationTime":"1427358397621","load":{"inputFiles":"1","inputFileBytes":"565","outputRows":"0","outputBytes":"0"}},"status":{"errorResult":{"location":"File: 0 / Line:11 / Field:1","message":"Bad character (ASCII 0) encountered: field starts with: <\u000Bcontent>","reason":"invalid"},"errors":[{"location":"File: 0 / Line:5 / Field:1","message":"Bad character (ASCII 0) encountered: field starts with: <\u0006status\u0012>","reason":"invalid"},{"location":"File: 0 / Line:6 / Field:1","message":"Bad character (ASCII 0) encountered: field starts with: <\tstartDa>","reason":"invalid"},{"location":"File: 0 / Line:8 / Field:1","message":"Bad character (ASCII 0) encountered: field starts with: ","reason":"invalid"},{"location":"File: 0 / Line:10 / Field:1","message":"Bad character (ASCII 0) encountered: field starts with: ","reason":"invalid"},{"location":"File: 0 / Line:11 / Field:1","message":"Bad character (ASCII 0) encountered: field starts with: <\u000Bcontent>","reason":"invalid"}],"state":"DONE"},"user_email":"xx@gmail.com"}

I did some research on this and it looks like the Bad Character ASCII is big and may get fixed in future releases. But for a quick solution, can someone help me out of this??​

Apr 18, 2018 in Talend by geek.erkami
• 2,680 points

1 answer to this question.

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According to my understanding, you must be having a UNICODE tab character somewhere in your code. And you are getting this error because of the default setting of Talend components to ASCII, it will fail to parse the code.

To solve this, go to the advanced settings tab of the tBigQueryBulkExec component and change the encoding to “UTF-8”

answered Apr 18, 2018 by code.reaper12
• 3,500 points

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