How to solve SyntaxError unexpected EOF error in python

+2 votes

I am trying to parse blockchain using python using the following code:

from chainscan import iter_blocks

for block in iter_blocks():

    if block.height > 10: break

    for tx in block.txs:

    print('Hello, tx %s in block %s' % (tx, block))

I am getting this following error:

File "<ipython-input-3-06037b89d550>", line 1

    for block in iter_blocks():


SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

I have checked the code from my reference and there is no problem in the code but it is still not working. How to solve this?

Jul 30, 2018 in Blockchain by digger
• 26,740 points
Hello, how do you solve it? I have the same proble, in miy case occur always, when I use ":", I don´t know if the error is related with the IDe (I'm using Spyder 3.3.6- Phyton 3)

Did you try or check the other ways to solve that has been given below?

1 answer to this question.

+2 votes
Best answer

There is not a problem in the code but there is a problem in the indentation.

Use the code with proper indentation like this:

from chainscan import iter_blocks

for block in iter_blocks():

    if block.height > 10: break

    for tx in block.txs:

        print('Hello, tx %s in block %s' % (tx, block))

This should solve your error

answered Jul 30, 2018 by slayer
• 29,370 points

selected May 5, 2019 by Omkar

I am getting the same error for this code:

name ='John'
friend = 'Sharon'
print('Hello %s, this is %s' % (name, friend)

You are missing a parenthesis in your code. The proper code would be:

print('Hello %s, this is %s' % (name, friend))

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