Unable to install connector for Power Bi and PostgreSQL

+1 vote

Hello all. Please help me with my problem. It's driven me nuts!

I am using Microsoft Power Bi and trying to connect to a PostgreSQL database. But, when I go to Get Data, it says that the connector requires one or more additional components to be installed before it can be used.

My Microsoft Power Bi is at the version 2.47.4766.801 64-bit and Npgsql is at version 3.2.3. Also, I have VS Studio 2017 Community installed and used the VS Studio command prompt to add the dll files to the assembly. And, the following is my edited my machine.config file:
    <add name="Npgsql Data Provider" invariant="Npgsql" description=".Net Framework Data Provider for PostgreSQL Server" type="Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory, Npgsql, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d8b90d52f46fda7"/>
Plus, I also have .NET framework 4.5 installed as I am using Windows 10.  And, even after rebooting and trying it multiple times, I still keep getting the same message and thus, have been unable to connect as yet.

So, if anybody has got any clues at all on what's going on, then please help me in getting this thing to work, or at least point out where I could be going wrong, or just give me some directions to work on. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in Advance!

Aug 22, 2018 in Power BI by Bharani
• 4,660 points

recategorized Aug 23, 2018 by Vardhan 2,654 views

1 answer to this question.

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I think the problem is not at your end, and that is the reason you're having such a hard time getting it to work. The problem seems to be in the latest versions of Npgsql. I tried it too and could connect with Npgsql 3.1.8 version, but not the newer ones. So, uninstalling your existing version and installing the version 3.1.8 and restarting should solve your problem to get you up and running. :)

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answered Aug 22, 2018 by nirvana
• 3,130 points

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