How to install TestNG in eclipse

0 votes
I am using eclipse and wanted to integrate TestNG. I tried google search but no proper result was shown. So can someone help me in a detailed method of doing it?

Thank you in advance.
Dec 24, 2018 in Selenium by Anjali
• 2,950 points

3 answers to this question.

0 votes

Its very simple @user, 

Simply open your eclipse and then follow the following steps:

1. Click on help and then go eclipse market place.


2. Search for TestNG and click on Install.

3. Select the packages that you want to Install.

4. Confirm the installation.


5. Accept the agreement.

6. Wait for the installation to complete. 


You have installed TestNG successfully.

Hope this helps!

Join this Selenium Training to learn more about how to install testng in Selenium.

answered Dec 26, 2018 by Nabarupa

I am installing Testng this way in MAC machine in STS IDE which runs successfully. However, after restarting my system it shows as uninstalled in Marketplace. Please suggest what could be the possible issue.
Any specific error you get in the logs? check if you have installed it in the proper location.
0 votes

How to Download & Install TestNG in Eclipse for Selenium...

  1. Step 1) Launch Eclipse.
  2. Step 2) In the Eclipse Install dialog box.
  3. Step 3) In Add repository dialog.
  4. Step 5) It will give you a review of Items to be installed. Click on Next.
  5. Step 7) If you encounter a Security warning, just click "Install Anyway".
  6. Step 8) Wait for the installation to finish.

answered Dec 11, 2020 by Rajiv
• 8,910 points
0 votes

Installing TestNG in Eclipse

Step 1) Launch Eclipse.

  1. On the menu bar, click Help.
  2. Choose the "Install New Software…" option.

Step 2) In the Eclipse Install dialog box

  1. Enter "" in the Work with box
  2. Click the Add button.

Step 3) In Add repository dialog

  1. Enter "TestNG" in Name Text Field
  2. Click on Add button.

Step 4)

  1. Select the "TestNG" checkbox
  2. Click on the "Next" button.

Step 5) It will give you a review of Items to be installed. Click on Next.

Step 6)

  1. Select the radio button "I accept the terms of the license agreement"
  2. Click on Finish.

It will take time depending on your Internet speed.

Step 7) If you encounter a Security warning, just click "Install Anyway".

Step 8) Wait for the installation to finish. When Eclipse prompts you for a restart, click "Restart now."

Step 9) After the restart, verify if TestNG was indeed successfully installed. Click Window > Show View > Other.

Then open the Java directory and see if TestNG is included.

That's it to TestNG Installation

answered Dec 11, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,910 points

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