An alternative in php to the xxd command in linux

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I need to convert the bin file to a string in PHP in the same way as the Linux program does.

In linux: xxd -g 1 data.bin and output: 0000000: 02 50 45 10 02 06 54 62 43 20 05 20 11 07 21 12  .PE...TbC . ..!.

In PHP, I tried to use the bin2hex function, but i get only the digits 02 50 45 10 02 06 54 62 43 20 05 20 11 07 21 12. I also need an offset and textual representation.

The offset is the line number, the first digits and a colon (0000000:) in the string I entered above. This is actually not a problem, because I can write code that calculates this, but the bigger problem is with textual representation (.PE...TBC . ..!.).

Someone can help? What functions could I use for this? Any help will be appreciated!!


Apr 13, 2022 in Linux Administration by Aditya
• 7,680 points

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