OutSystems PWA Azure AD Login

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we have an OutSystems Mobile App (PWA) We would like to add Azure AD SSO

We have tried Idp Mobile, but it is not for PWA

We have tried to embed in an iframe the login to login.microsoftonline.com, but it is not framable (CSP) So we tried to follow this doc: https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/graph/auth-v2-user but again the html returned by the authorize api is not framable :( is there a solution? thanks

Apr 1, 2022 in Azure by Edureka
• 13,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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Because it involves user input, AAD does not allow framing of sites where credentials are entered. When you try to access the Azure Active Directory (AAD) login page using an iframe, you may see issues as a result of AAD's defensive efforts to prevent malicious attacks. There are several solutions you might attempt that could work in a few circumstances.

Check that the reply urls are the same in the app and the portal.
AAD's headers are configured to prevent their login page from being shown in a frame. The prompt option specifies the sort of user engagement requested. Set it to none to indicate that no user participation is required (if it is ok in your case). It is an optional parameter that has been added to the login address in the iframe (&prompt=none).

Additionally, &domain hint= The domain userdomain.com is appended to the end of the URL request, where userdomain.com is the final portion of the user's email address - e.g. user@userdomain.com > Microsoft Docs | OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow
Close and try it a several times to ensure it works before logging in with your work account in Edge or Chrome.
answered Apr 4, 2022 by Edureka
• 12,690 points

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