Whitesource Bolt Azure DevOps plugin takes long time and is too chatty

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I have integrated the WhiteSource Bolt scan into our DevOps projects.

This is a typical redacted log from the pipelines.

Starting: WhiteSource Bolt Scan
Task         : WhiteSource Bolt
Description  : Detect security vulnerabilities, problematic open source licenses.
Version      : 21.3.2
Author       : WhiteSource
Help         : http://www.whitesourcesoftware.com
Working directory is /home/vsts/work/1/s
Getting scan config data
unifiedAgent.config file created successfully at /home/vsts/work/1/s
Finished getScanConfigData
Finished archive and encryption
Starting Upload zip file to s3
Getting temp credentials
Finished to prepare SCM scan request
Sending SCM scan request
Succeed to send SCM scan request
WhiteSource Support Token: 
Async Command Start: Add Build Tag
Build '4998' has following tags now: ws_support_token=ws_scan_start_time=Wed, 05 May 2021 12_32_26 GMT
Async Command End: Add Build Tag
Async Command Start: Add Build Tag
Build '4998' has following tags now: ws_support_token=
Async Command End: Add Build Tag
Finishing: WhiteSource Bolt Scan

Since yesterday, the output log exploded into the following endless debug logs, taking 30 minutes for an Angular project.

Starting: WhiteSource Bolt Scan
Task         : WhiteSource Bolt
Description  : Detect security vulnerabilities, problematic open source licenses.
Version      : 21.6.2
Author       : WhiteSource
Help         : http://www.whitesourcesoftware.com

[CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]     resolved url in file = https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/_/_packaging/_/npm/registry/@babel/plugin-transform-template-literals/-/plugin-transform-template-literals-7.13.0.tgz
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:49,836 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   resolved url in link = http://pkgs.dev.azure.com/@babel/plugin-transform-template-literals/7.13.0
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:49,918 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   npm.accessToken is not defined
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,043 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   Succeed to download the npm package @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd-7.13.0.tgz-7.13.0.
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,043 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   resolved url in file = https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/_/_packaging/_/npm/registry/@babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd/-/plugin-transform-modules-amd-7.13.0.tgz
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,043 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   resolved url in link = http://pkgs.dev.azure.com/@babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd/7.13.0
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,085 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   npm.accessToken is not defined
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,085 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   Succeed to download the npm package @babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining-7.8.3.tgz-7.8.3.
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,086 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   resolved url in file = https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/_/_packaging/_/npm/registry/babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node/-/babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node-2.3.3.tgz
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,086 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   resolved url in link = http://pkgs.dev.azure.com/babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node/2.3.3
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,146 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   npm.accessToken is not defined
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,147 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   Succeed to download the npm package @babel/compat-data-7.13.8.tgz-7.13.8.
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,147 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   resolved url in file = https://registry.npmjs.org/object.assign/-/object.assign-4.1.0.tgz
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,147 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   resolved url in link = http://registry.npmjs.org/object.assign/4.1.0
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,256 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   npm.accessToken is not defined
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,258 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   Succeed to download the npm package @babel/plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators-7.13.8.tgz-7.13.8.
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,258 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   resolved url in file = https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/_/_packaging/_/npm/registry/@babel/plugin-transform-parameters/-/plugin-transform-parameters-7.13.0.tgz
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:50,258 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   resolved url in link = http://pkgs.dev.azure.com/@babel/plugin-transform-parameters/7.13.0
[DEBUG] [2021-07-06 08:41:51,633 +0000] - [CTX=sjgpwi107sx5to1j1pxbeasjdlvfsjqhzf6oqzeo1phtb]   npm.accessToken is not defined

We never changed the pipeline configuration.

      - task: WhiteSource@21
        displayName: WhiteSource Bolt Scan
          cwd: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'
          projectName: '$(projectName)'

Did anyone notice this too? What could we possibly do other than give up on this plugin for another service?

Apr 1, 2022 in Other DevOps Questions by Kichu
• 19,050 points

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