Create a Central Control System with Interactive Response Terminal

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Given below is the detailed descriptions of what I want to achieve:

Make an "Universal App", designed toward the small screen on a raspberry Pi with Windows 10 IoT.

I would like to create a usercontrol, which displays a value, and which when clicked expands to take up the full screen, allowing me to edit it nicely with some additional buttons (which show in the expanded version of the usercontrol)(e.g, numerical stepped Up/Down, + Ok/Cancel buttons). And when I click on the Ok Button in this expanded usercontrol, it should copy the EditedValue to the realValue (vars).

I'm a little stuck on how to do the part with a different display (different layouts, different components, taking all the place of the windows) and would like some help.
Aug 21, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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What you are looking is an Accordian Control. These are easy to implement, but it can take a little bit of work to make then look/animate nicely. HERE is an open source project with an example and docs. This duplicate question (by which I mean yours is the duplicate, the other came first) also provides a variety of solutions.

Addressing the second component of your question- how to accommodate a small screen- there are several good design guidelines out there. You could look at the Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines (that's certainly a small screen), or you could ask for recommendations in the UX/UI Stack Exchange.

answered Aug 21, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,280 points

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