Saving data to the same xls file with Robot Framework ExcelLibrary

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Is it possible to read data and write data to the same .xls file with Robot Framework? Below is my code. Error is in the final line.

Library  Collections
Library  ExcelLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Write Results to Excel
    Open Excel  ${Excel_Path_Of_File}${Excel_Name_Of_File}

    # Check to see if the Results sheet exists before creating:
    ${sheetNames} =  Get Sheet Names
    ${SheetChk} =  Evaluate  ${EXCEL_RESULTS_SHEET}  in  ${sheetNames}
    Run keyword If  "${SheetChk}" == "False"
    ...  Add New Sheet   ${EXCEL_RESULTS_SHEET}

    # Write the data
    Put String To Cell  ${EXCEL_RESULTS_SHEET}  ${ColNo}  ${RowNo}  ${ResultsDataVal}

    # Save the data
    Save Excel  ${Excel_Path_Of_File}${Excel_Name_Of_File}
    # Getting error: ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 8; 2 is required
Mar 27, 2018 in Selenium by nitinrawat895
• 11,380 points

1 answer to this question.

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The documentation of the library states that, do not perform any opeartions before or after adding a sheet in its "Things to Note When Using robotframework-excellibrary" section:

When using the keyword Add New Sheet the user cannot perform any functions before or after this keyword on the currently open workbook. The changes that other keywords make will not be saved when the keyword Add New Sheet is used.

To overcome this, in the Run Keyword If fragment, you have to also save the file, and re-load it

answered Mar 27, 2018 by nsv999
• 5,500 points

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