It must connect to the database successfully in order to refresh the Power Bi Visuals on the Web Application. Because the AWS database server is installed on an AWS Virtual Machine, this acts as an on-premise source on that machine when connecting to an AWS RDS instance [6]. As a result, you'll need to set up an on-premises gateway on an AWS server with access to RDS, either within the same VPC or using appropriate security standards.
The steps for setting up an AWS on-premise data gateway are as follows:
Create an EC2 Windows instance; for additional information, read the AWS manual [3]. For further information about the instance(s) depending on the operating system requirements, see this public Microsoft link [4]. The instance setups that have worked for me are listed below, however they may vary depending on your needs: Windows Server-2019-English-Full-Base-2021.10.13 a. AMI Name: Windows Server-2019-English-Full-Base-2021.10.13 b. Instance Type: t2.2xlarge
Please review the needed network ports for inbound and outbound rules in your instance security group. To learn how to interact with security groups, consult this AWS documentation [5].