How does a downed peer connects back to the network in a fabric network

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I recently deployed the fabric network using Docker-compose, I was trying to simulate a downed peer. Essentially this is what happens:

  1. 4 peers are brought online using docker-compose running a fabric network
  2. 1 peer i.e the 4th peer goes down (done via docker stop command)
  3. Invoke transactions are sent to the root peer which is verified by querying the peers after sometime (excluding the downed peer).
  4. The downed peer is brought back up with docker start. Query transaction run fine on the always on peers but fail on the newly woken up peer.

Why isn't the 4th peer synchronizing the blockchain, once its up.Is there a step to be taken to ensure it does? Or is it discarded as a rogue peer.

Aug 8, 2018 in Blockchain by Christine
• 15,790 points

1 answer to this question.

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This might be due to the expected behavior of PBFT (assuming you are using it). As explained on issue 933,

answered Aug 8, 2018 by Johnathon
• 9,090 points

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