How to assign a static IP address to a new VM instance

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When I created a new VM instance using compute an ephemeral IP address is assigned to the instance. I want to assign a static IP address to a new VM instance. How do I go about achieving this?
Nov 11, 2019 in GCP by anonymous
• 6,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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When you create a VM instance, it is automatically assigned an ephemeral external IP address. If you don't want an ephemeral external IP address, you can explicitly assign a static external IP address to the instance instead.

  1. In the GCP Console, go to the VM Instances page.

  2. Click Create instance.

  3. On the Create a new instance page, fill in the properties for your instance.

  4. Expand the Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy section.

  5. Click Networking.

  6. Under Network interfaces, click on the default network interface to edit it.

  7. Under the External IP section, select the static external IP address that you reserved from the drop-down menu.

  8. Click Done to finish modifying the default network interface.

  9. Click Create to create the instance.

answered Nov 11, 2019 by anonymous
• 59,230 points

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