Create k8s namespace using ansible

0 votes
I'm trying to write an Ansible task to create k8s namespace. can you help me out? Thanks
Jun 11, 2019 in Ansible by Travis

edited Jun 11, 2019 7,108 views

2 answers to this question.

0 votes

Hey @Travus, you can use the k8s module of Ansible which is used to manage k8s objects. Have a look at this example to write a task to create a namespace for k8s:

- name: Create a k8s namespace
    name: Kubernetes
    api_version: v1
    kind: Namespace
    state: present
answered Jun 11, 2019 by Faiza
0 votes

You can also create a kubernetes namespace using the Kubernetes module of Ansible.

- name: Create a kubernetes namespace
    api_endpoint: specify-endpoint #specify the endpoint
    url_username: admin  #username
    url_password: samplepass  #password for your username
    file_reference: /path-create-namespace.yaml  #the location where you wish to create the namespace
    state: present
answered Jun 11, 2019 by Nasser

edited Jun 11, 2019

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