I'm trying to loop & sort a large number of data ( the whole ethereum blockchain lol )
I'm trying to create a record of all transactions for every address.
Obviously this is a very intensive process and I'm not sure how to make it more efficient beyond what I have (which isn't that efficient)
It starts out quick but I'm thinking now it has slowed because of the lookup for the address in the txs object.
Any help opinions / help is greatly appreciated.
var txs = {};
var i = 0;
// Loop over blocks
(function loop () {
setTimeout(function () {
// Get current block
var block = web3.eth.getBlock(i, true, (error, block) => {
// debugger;
// Loop over transactions in block
for(var j = 0; j < block.transactions.length; j++) {
// debugger;
if(txs[block.transactions[j].to]) {
} else if (txs[block.transactions[j].to]) {
} else {
txs[block.transactions[j].to] = {
transactions: [block.transactions[j]]
txs[block.transactions[j].from] = {
transactions: [block.transactions[j]]
if (i < highestBlock) {
}, 50);