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The Future of Work: Preparing Your Team for Technological Disruption

Published on Jun 26,2024 87 Views


Technological disruption refers to the overall transformation of the digital technology development system. Technological disruption is the result of new technologies displacing established markets and sectors, posing both opportunities and difficulties. Disruptive technologies have the power to alter how companies run, disrupting established business models and introducing new ones. The most common and easy example is the displacement of traditional retail by the rise of e-commerce, requiring businesses to change the way they do operate. According to the World Economic Forum 2023 Report, Manufacturing jobs are expected to decline by 8% globally by 2030 due to automation.

Technological disruption has overhauled the way businesses operate. It has brought new technologies into place that have not only introduced the human race to the wonders that technical advancements could do but also have made the lives and business operations easier. However, with new advancements comes the responsibility to adapt to it with the speed of light.

Join Edureka’s corporate training program to prepare for the future in the age of tech disruption.

Potential Challenges Posed by Technological Disruption

The way we work is being fundamentally changed by technological disruption. Traditional job roles are being replaced by automation, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies, which call for new skill sets. This rapid transformation is constantly giving rise to the skills gap between the current workforce and the changing job market. The WEF’s Future of Jobs Report 2023 shares another grim prediction that up to 44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next 5 years. 

Older business models and procedures make it more difficult for them to change and stay competitive. Inadequate training of employees and a resistance to adopting new methods can result in lower output, diminished competitiveness, and eventually the organisation’s collapse. Nearly 70% of those surveyed anticipate generative AI will increase competition, drive changes to their business models and require new skills from their workforce within the next three years. PWC, 2024

Importance of Upskilling

The concept of employee upskilling has gained significant attention as employers realise how important it is to devote resources to their employees’ upskilling. 77% of business executives agree their organisation should help their workers become more employable with relevant skills. (Deloitte, 2022A)

Handling Technological Disruption- Organisations need to equip their staff with the skills and knowledge needed to adopt new technologies if they want to stay relevant. Employees who receive upskilling are better equipped to handle these disruptions.

Increasing Efficiency in the Workforce- Through upskilling programmes, people can become experts in fields that support organisational objectives and increase their ability to carry out tasks more effectively. Employees who are proficient in using cutting-edge tools and technologies can automate tedious jobs and put their time and effort into concentrating on higher-value work. 

Encouraging Employee Engagement and Retention- When workers feel that their employer is interested in their professional development, they are more motivated and engaged. Upskilling opportunities provide employees a sense of purpose and enable them to take leadership roles in their careers.

Reducing the Skills Gap- Organisations that invest in training and development initiatives can bridge the skills gap and develop a workforce ready for the future.

Strategies for Upskilling Your Team

Unlock you employee’s complete potential with Edureka’s corporate training program!

Make a Skill Inventory Of Your Staff: To begin with, human resources ought to list all of the skills that employees currently possess. HR and business leaders can use this data as a benchmark to compare the skills inventory and skills requirements in order to identify any skills gaps that may exist at any given time.

Formally Establish Programmes For Upskilling: Make sure there are official employee-led training initiatives in place, such as cross-training opportunities between departments, job shadowing with a more senior colleague once a month, a specific amount of time each month allocated to online education, etc. 

Continuous Learning: Fostering a culture of continuous learning is essential. It is important to support employees in their pursuit of self-improved knowledge and abilities.

Tailor-Made Development Plans: Employees should be empowered to oversee their own professional development by creating individualised development plans. Employees should be introduced to and provided with self-assessment tools to understand and self analyse their areas of strength and growth.

Incorporate learning into daily tasks: Applied learning mechanisms are essential for reinforcing newly acquired knowledge and skills. Seek out upskilling initiatives that allow employees to work on real-world projects related to their regular jobs. In this way, participants do not have to feel like they are Twiddle one’s thumbs by focusing on their development; instead, they can learn and practise their newly acquired skills immediately.

Future-Proofing Your Workforce

Recent studies show that companies with future-proofed workforces are 2.2 times likelier to outperform their peers in revenue growth.

There are many benefits to future-proofing your workforce that can help both your company and its workers. By giving your employees the right tools and mindset, you can help them succeed in the ever-changing business environment and set up your company for long-term success. Some important advantages include:

  • Enhanced Job Security and Decreased Unemployment Risk
  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity
  • Improved Flexibility in Response to Consumer Demands and Market Trends
  • Bringing in and Holding on to Elite Talent


Disruptive technologies ultimately are like Pandora’s box. They have the ability to completely change our lives and companies, but if we’re not ready, they also carry a lot of risk. We can make sure that we’re prepared for whatever the future brings by staying on the cutting edge and fostering an innovative culture. Leaders in all industries face a difficult and continuous challenge when navigating disruptive innovation. Leaders need to embrace change, cultivate an innovative culture, and remain dedicated to lifelong learning if they are to prosper in this constantly shifting environment.

And in this journey towards upskilling, Edureka is your compass! Navigate through upskilling and reskilling with our curated corporate learning paths and future-proof your career. Explore our diverse course library tailor-made to help employees stay ahead of the curve, find the right fit, and unlock your full potential.


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The Future of Work: Preparing Your Team for Technological Disruption