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How To Learn Product Management? Top 5 Techniques

Last updated on Nov 23,2022 433 Views

Product management is a process of planning, designing, and controlling the development and evolution of a product. It includes different aspects, such as market research, product development, production, and marketing. Product management is crucial in any company that manufactures or sells physical products. Wondering how to learn product management? There are many techniques that product managers use to accomplish these goals. This blog post will explore the top techniques for how to learn product management.

Choose An Online Product Management Course

There are many online product management courses available. Choosing the right one can take time and effort. Consider these important factors when selecting an online product management course:

The course’s focus: You want a course that focuses on product management specifically rather than a general business or management course.

The instructor’s experience: Look for an instructor with significant product management experience. It will ensure that you get practical, real-world advice and not just theoretical knowledge.

The course structure: Make sure the course allows you to learn flexibly at your own pace and review material as needed. A well-structured course will make learning product management much more accessible.

The price: Product management courses can vary widely in price. Consider your budget and choose a course that fits your needs without breaking the bank.

Attend Live Training

Product management is a relatively new field, and there are many different techniques for learning it. The best way to learn product management is to attend live training from experienced product managers. These live training courses will allow you to learn from the best in the field and provide you with networking opportunities. Many different types of live training are available, so you should look for one that fits your need.

Choose Relevant Resources

As a product manager, it is essential to identify relevant resources to help you. There are a few different techniques that can be useful in doing this:

choose relevant resources

Identify key stakeholders and decision-makers

This includes understanding who the key decision-makers are in your company or organization. These people will have the final say on what products are developed and how they are marketed. It is essential to understand their needs and wants to be able to develop products that meet their requirements.

Understand your audience

It is also critical to understand who your target audience is. It includes understanding their needs, wants, and pain points. By understanding your audience, you will be better able to develop products that meet their needs and solve their problems.

Conduct market research

Market research is another important technique for identifying relevant resources. It involves understanding the competition, customer trends, and other factors that can impact the development of your product. By conducting market research, you will be better informed about available resources and how to best utilize them.

Become A Product User

If you want to learn product management, becoming a product user is one of the best techniques. By using the product yourself, you will learn how it feels and its capabilities. It will provide you with a better understanding of managing the product and making decisions about its future.

Becoming a product user also has other benefits. It can help you build credibility with stakeholders and customers and give you a deeper understanding of the market and user needs. If you can use the product in your day-to-day work, you’ll be better equipped to manage it effectively.

Also Read: Product Management Frameworks Every PM Must Know

Join Product Management Communities

Product management communities are a brilliant source to learn about the latest trends and best practices. They can also be a great networking opportunity. Check out these tips on how to find and join product management communities:

  1. Use social media: Social media is indeed an insightful platform to learn about product management communities. Try searching for hashtags such as #prodmgmt, #productmanagement, or #pmcommunity.
  2. Check out online directories: Several online directories list product management communities, such as and
  3. Attend conferences and meetups: Many conferences and meetups have product management tracks or focus on product management topics. It can be a great way to meet other product managers and learn about different approaches to product management.
  4. Join an online community: Several online forums and discussion groups are dedicated to product management, such as the product management subreddit and the Product Management Stack Exchange site.

Read Great Blogs on Product Management

There are many great blogs on product management. Many of them offer insights and tips on how to be a successful product manager. However, not all of them are created equal. Here are some of the best blogs on product management:

  1. The Product Management Black Book: This blog is written by Jeff Lash, a veteran product manager. It covers various topics related to product management, including product strategy, roadmap development, and go-to-market planning.
  2. The official Product Management blog from Google: This blog is run by the Google Product Management team and covers a variety of topics related to product management at Google.
  3. HBR’s 10 Must-Reads on Managing Products: This article from Harvard Business Review includes ten articles that cover various aspects of product management, including innovation, branding, and customer engagement.
  4. First Round Review: This site includes several articles on product management, including interviews with experienced product managers and advice on how to transition into a career in product management.
  5. Mind the Product: This blog is written by Martjin van der Meijden, co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Mendix. The blog caters to different topics related to product management, including product strategy, agile methodology, and user experience design.

Use Feynman Techniques

Many different techniques can be used when learning product management, but the most effective one is the Feynman Technique. This technique was developed by physicist Richard Feynman and is based on the principle of active learning. Essentially, the Feynman Technique involves breaking down a subject into small, manageable parts and then focusing on each part separately.

This approach can be beneficial when learning about complex topics such as product management. It becomes much easier to understand and learn about each component by breaking the subject down into smaller pieces. Additionally, focusing on one part at a time can help ensure that you retain the information more effectively.

If you’re looking to learn product management using the Feynman Technique, there are a few things you’ll need to do. 

  • First, identify the main concepts or ideas that you want to learn about. 
  • Next, break these down into smaller, more manageable parts. 
  • Finally, focus on each part individually and try to understand it as thoroughly as possible. 

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Feynman Technique to learn product management and other complex topics.

Build Domain Expertise

Product management is a relatively new field, and as such, there is no universally accepted definition of what it entails. However, most experts agree that, at its core, product management is about bringing new products to market. There should be a deep understanding of the product being developed and the market it will be sold in.

To build domain expertise, product managers must have a broad knowledge base in multiple areas. They should understand business strategy, marketing, user experience, technology, and project management well. Additionally, they should be well-versed in their company’s specific industry and understand the needs of their target customers.

One of the ideal ways to get that awareness is to read widely on these topics. There are many popular books and articles on product management. Additionally, attending conferences and networking with other product managers is a great way to learn from others in the field. Finally, many companies offer training programs for new or aspiring product managers. These can be an excellent way to get into the field or learn about new trends and best practices.

Create A Learning Roadmap

As a product manager, you are responsible for the strategy and roadmap of the product. To be successful at your job, you must have a clear understanding of the product development process and how to manage it effectively.

Create a learning roadmap

There are plenty of things that must be kept in mind when creating a learning roadmap for yourself:

  1. Understand the basics of product management: Before you can start effectively managing a product, you need to understand the basics of what product management entails. Familiarize yourself with the different stages of the product lifecycle, and learn about common methodologies and tools used by product managers.
  2. Develop a strong vision for your product: To be successful, your product needs to have a clear and concise vision aligned with the company’s overall goals. As the product manager, it is your responsibility to develop this vision and ensure that everyone involved in the project understands it.
  3. Create a detailed roadmap: Once you have a solid understanding of product management basics and have developed a strong vision for your product, you can start working on creating a detailed roadmap. This roadmap will serve as your guide throughout the project and will help keep everyone on track.
  4. Communicate regularly with stakeholders: One of the most important aspects of being a successful product manager is effective communication with all stakeholders involved in the project. Keep everyone updated on your progress, and solicit feedback regularly to ensure that everything is on track.
  5. Be prepared to adapt: As the product manager, you need to be flexible and willing to adapt to changes throughout the project. Be prepared to pivot your plans if necessary, and always be open to new ideas to improve the product.

By following these tips, you can tread towards a successful career as a product manager and develop a strong understanding of managing a product effectively.

Also Read: 11 Crucial Product Management Metrics and KPIs

Stick To What Works For You

If you’re struggling to learn product management, it’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for someone may not work for you.

That’s why it’s essential to find a learning approach that suits your individual needs and stick with it. Experiment with different techniques and resources until you find a combination that works for you.

Learning anything new takes time and practice. Keep going even if your initial attempts yield the results you want. Be patient and keep at it, and eventually, you’ll master the skills to become a successful product manager.

One of the crucial responsibilities of a product manager is setting goals for the product. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They should also be aligned with the overall strategy for the business. Once you understand product management basics well, you can start thinking about how to apply these concepts in your work.

For example, let’s say you’re working on a new mobile app. A SMART goal for this app might be to increase user engagement by 10% over the next six months. To achieve this goal, you should implement features that encourage users to return to the app regularly.

Once you’ve set your goals, you’ll need to create a product roadmap outlining how to achieve them. This roadmap works as a living document that evolves as the product does. It should also be shared with stakeholders to ensure everyone is on the same page about the product’s direction.

As you work on the product, you’ll need to track progress and ensure that it aligns with the roadmap. It requires constant communication with stakeholders and team members. You’ll also need to be flexible and adapt the roadmap as necessary.

Product management is a complex and ever-changing field. But if you put in the time and effort, it can be a gratifying career. With the right approach, you can turn your passion for products into a successful career in product management.


Product management is a critical skill for anyone looking to have a successful career in the tech industry. While there are plenty of ways to learn product management, the five techniques outlined in this article are some of the most effective. Using these techniques, you can develop a strong understanding of product management principles and best practices.

For an interesting and engaging way to learn product management, you can join our course Advanced Executive Certificate in Product Management. It is a flexible and expert learning method to learn every little aspect of product management.


More Information: 

Product Manager Salary in India: Key Insights in 2022

What Are the Roles & Responsibilities of a Product Manager?

Top 10 Product Manager Skills that You need to Succeed

What is Product Lifecycle Management? An Ultimate Guide


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How To Learn Product Management? Top 5 Techniques