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How to install ng bootstrap in Angular

Last updated on Oct 21,2024 135 Views

Sunita Mallick
Experienced tech content writer passionate about creating clear and helpful content for... Experienced tech content writer passionate about creating clear and helpful content for learners. In my free time, I love exploring the latest technology.

Angular presents as a modern-day powerful framework for building web applications. It forms a reliable ground for developers to develop dynamic and interactive user interfaces with ease. Many times it becomes tedious work to design components from scratch that are visually robust, look good, and are simple for users. Enter ng-bootstrap.

ng-bootstrap: ng-bootstrap is an Angular-powered Bootstrap framework that provides support for almost all Bootstrap 4 components. Reactstrap has a set of preset direct components and directives based on the Bootstrap front-end framework, allowing you to build polished interfaces in no time.

A complete Angular course is perfect for people who want to learn how to create web applications that are highly dynamic and interactive. It will provide you with basic and essential knowledge on how to take advantage of all the features available in Angular.

Installing ng-bootstrap

Install the Angular CLI. Before starting to install MustacheJS, you should have installed Angular CLI. The Angular CLI is a command-line interface that enables you to initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain Angular applications. You can install it via the npm package manager if you do not have it yet. This is for the preparations; once you have Angular CLI installed, creating a new Angular project will be straightforward.

Now that you are all set on creating an Angular project, let’s add Bootstrap and ng-bootstrap to your project as well. This involves installing all required npm packages for Bootstrap and ng-bootstrap. This includes files and necessary plugins to inject Bootstrap into your Angular app. Once installed, your Angular project needs to be set up to use Bootstrap styles. This step allows your application to use the Bootstrap CSS classes on your HTML elements to make them look pretty and professional.

Lastly, make sure you import the NgbModule into your application’s main module. Components from this module will be used inside your application using ng-bootstrap. The purpose of importing the NgbModule here is to make these components available anywhere in your Angular project, allowing you to use Bootstrap elements throughout your app easily.

Also Read : How to install ng bootstrap in Angular

Adding Common Components

There are a lot of Bootstrap components provided by ng-bootstrap that make it very easy to design your preferred User Interface. These components are meant to be used in Angular templates and bind with Angular’s data binding and event handling features. So, without any further ado, here are a few of the most used ng-bootstrap components that every Angular developer should know.


Alerts are required to show specific messages to the user. Need an alert to appear after a form submission has successfully been sent, to show unsaved changes in the view, or to display an error message when something goes wrong? With ng-bootstrap, this is super simple. The alert component can be styled differently depending on the type of contextual class (success, warning, and danger). You can extend this to have a dismiss functionality so that the user can close the alert.

Date Picker

The date picker component is highly customizable and easy to use. It is similar to a date picker but includes calendars that are visually accessible for the user to choose dates. This component also contains auxiliary configuration that allows for setting things like date format, passing date ranges (min and max), and disabling specific dates. The date picker of ng-bootstrap is similar to this isolated one but offers a few more sets, supporting whether you just need an easy calendar or more complex logic for selecting dates.


Dialog boxes, confirmation messages, and displaying content without leaving the chosen page are best for modals. Ng-bootstrap makes creating and managing modals easy. Modal Component Features: The modal component has several options, including size, backdrop, keyboard operation, and animation. Ways to implement modals: we can evoke a modal with anything from form display to displaying information messages or even at user actions confirmation.


Most applications need to show data in tabular format. Yes, the ng-bootstrap Table comes with all built-in functionalities like filtering, sorting, etc., and can also be custom-styled. You can display your data in an organized and readable way with the help of a table component, which helps users efficiently gain access to large datasets. You can also add more features to tables, like filtering, row selection, or expandable rows.

Text Inputs and Dropdowns

Forms are integral to any web application, and ng-bootstrap simplifies creating sophisticated forms with various input types and dropdowns. Whether you’re building a simple login form or a complex multi-step form, ng-bootstrap’s components enhance usability and aesthetics. Text inputs and dropdowns are essential for collecting user input, and ng-bootstrap provides a wide range of styles and configurations to suit your needs.

Step-by-Step Process to Adding Common Components


Alerts are used to provide feedback messages to the user. They can be used for success messages, warnings, errors, and more.


<ngb-alert type="success">
  This is a success alert—check it out!
<ngb-alert type="danger">
  This is a danger alert—check it out!


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-alert',
template: `

This is a success alert—check it out!

This is a danger alert—check it out!
export class AlertComponent {}

Date Picker

A date picker is a useful component for allowing users to select dates.


<input class="form-control" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd" name="dp" ngbDatepicker #d="ngbDatepicker">
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary calendar" (click)="d.toggle()" type="button"></button>


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-date-picker',
template: `
<div class="input-group"><input class="form-control" name="dp" type="text" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd" /></div>
<div class="input-group">`,
export class DatePickerComponent {}


Text Inputs and Dropdowns
Text inputs and dropdowns are essential for forms and user inputs.

  <div class="mb-3">
    <label for="exampleInputText1" class="form-label">Text Input</label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="exampleInputText1">
  <div class="mb-3">
    <label for="exampleSelect1" class="form-label">Dropdown</label>
    <select class="form-select" id="exampleSelect1">
      <option *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="option.value">{{ option.label }}</option>


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-text-inputs-dropdowns',
  template: `
      <div class="mb-3">
        <label for="exampleInputText1" class="form-label">Text Input</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="exampleInputText1">
      <div class="mb-3">
        <label for="exampleSelect1" class="form-label">Dropdown</label>
        <select class="form-select" id="exampleSelect1">
          <option *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="option.value">{{ option.label }}</option>
export class TextInputsDropdownsComponent {
  options = [
    { value: '1', label: 'Option

Bootstrap Theming

One of the most powerful features of Bootstrap is its ability to be themed. Customizing Bootstrap themes lets you make your application look unique and consistent with your brand’s design guidelines.

1.Custom CSS

You can override Bootstrap’s default styles by adding your custom CSS. Create a `styles.css` file in your `src` folder and add your custom styles there. Ensure this file is included in your `angular.json` file under the `styles` array:

   "styles": [

2.Using Bootstrap Variables
Bootstrap allows you to customize its components by changing the values of its SASS variables. To use this feature, you need to install SASS and configure your Angular project to use SASS instead of CSS.

Install SASS by running:

npm install sass

Rename your styles.css file to styles.scss and update your angular.json file:
"styles": [

You can now create a _custom-variables.scss file to override Bootstrap’s default variables. Import this file before Bootstrap’s styles in your styles.scss:

@import 'custom-variables';
@import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';  

Example _custom-variables.scss:

$primary: #ff5733;
$secondary: #333333;
$font-family-base: 'Arial, sans-serif';  

3.Using Themes

You can also use pre-built themes that are available online. Websites like Bootswatch offer a variety of themes that you can easily integrate into your Angular project. Simply download the CSS file of your chosen theme and replace the default Bootstrap CSS in your angular.json file.

"styles": [

By theming Bootstrap, you can ensure your application not only functions well but also looks appealing and aligns with your brand identity.


Integrating ng-bootstrap with Angular significantly enhances the development process, allowing you to leverage Bootstrap’s design capabilities with Angular’s robust framework. From alerts and date pickers to modals and tables, ng-bootstrap provides a wide range of components that streamline the creation of modern, responsive web applications. These components are designed to be fully compatible with Angular’s data binding and event handling features, making it easy to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

If you’re looking to deepen your Angular knowledge further and explore more advanced concepts, consider checking out an Angular course. Such courses can provide in-depth insights and hands-on experience, empowering you to build sophisticated and high-performing web applications. Learning more about Angular can help you take full advantage of bootstrap’s capabilities and create even more powerful and user-friendly applications.

Also Read What are the Reactive Forms in Angular


What is ng-bootstrap and why should I use it in my Angular projects?

ng-bootstrap is Angular’s library that allows you to use Bootstrap from within your Angular app. It provides a suite of pre-built Angular components based on Bootstrap styling and functionality, which helps you create visually appealing user interfaces (UIs) more quickly for your Angular applications.

How do I install ng-bootstrap in my existing Angular project?

ng-bootstrap can be installed through Angular CLI, which is the simplest way to install it. Run this command in the terminal: ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap. This installs the required dependencies and sets up your project to use ng-bootstrap components.

What are some of the common components available in ng-bootstrap?

ng-bootstrap features a vast collection of components, such as alerts, date pickers, modals, tables, text inputs, dropdowns, tooltips, popovers, and many more. These components are, for the most part, all you need for your Angular UI application.

Can I customize the appearance of ng-bootstrap components?

Absolutely! One of the advantages is that ng-bootstrap uses theme support from Bootstrap. You can style your components using Bootstrap variables, use one of the predefined themes (or write your own), and take complete control over template_override.scss by creating custom styles yourself.

Where can I learn more about Angular and its integration with libraries like ng-bootstrap?

If you want to enhance your knowledge of Angular and its ecosystem in depth, then join a complete Angular course. In these courses, you will learn how to use Angular to develop dynamic web applications and integrate powerful libraries like ng-bootstrap through practical exercises of great value for professional development.


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How to install ng bootstrap in Angular