Deep Dive Into Corporate Training (29 Blogs) Explore Corporate Training

Corporate Training 101: Everything You Need To Know

Published on Sep 24,2020 1K Views

Global Corporate Training Market to grow by $52.7 Billion during the forecast period 2020-2024 at a CAGR of almost 8% –

Corporate Training is a system that has been practiced for years across the business world, albeit in a slightly radical fashion. The basic approach at the core is to prepare individuals for contributing their best to business success while increasing proficiency & expertise. If executed strategically, Corporate Training Programs can be more impactful and effective than usual ad hoc training.

Corporate Training 101

Since training programs offer boundless opportunities, organizations should be more open to have them arranged periodically. Also, you must design the training content carefully taking the help of advanced technologies to engage your workforce. Here’s everything you need to know about the Corporate Training for your organization.

Types of Corporate Training

1. General Orientation/Induction

Orientation, in a general sense, is a very common type of corporate employee training.  Here learners, especially newcomers go through a one-time formality of getting introduced to the various departments within the company. It is usually organized by HR to welcome new hires as they start their journey with a company and it may last for a week. It essentially entails the entire company-wide sections and the role each department plays.

Corporate Training 101 - Induction

2. On-Boarding

While the orientation program follows a brief course of introduction applied to everyone in the company, On-Boarding Training is interpreted differently as department-specific learning sessions that last longer than basic orientation. The goal of holistic On-Boarding is to absorb the employees slowly into the company to empower them to work and play their roles as quickly as possible.

On-Boarding content should be prepared by respective department heads to connect the new hires with company objectives and provide them easy access to all the information they need to perform their jobs.

3. Products and Innovations Training

Whether it be for newcomers or existing employees, product training could be an essential part of distributing the latest development and improvements made recently. You can have it included in on-boarding or ongoing training. Training sessions of at least 1-2 hours could be the best way to get employees to understand new innovations on products, services, or features and use the knowledge in the projects to follow. The education thus conducted helps them achieve acquisition and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) goals.

4. Technical Skills Training

To make your employees technically sound, you must perk up their interest in taking technical upskill training classes. It mainly deals with improving employees’ ability to analyze data, programming code, or handle social media campaigns. How to do the jobs right and how to do it best are the main components around which your technical Corporate Training should revolve.

At the end of ongoing learning, employees will have developed technical skills and expertise in their niche. This creates a learning advantage for even those who already know how to do their job. Make sure your technical training content (courses, videos, audios, and podcasts) provides blended learning solutions to lean on.

5. Soft Skills Training

Apart from knowledge, employees also need to master the art for personal growth and communication. Soft skills training intends to enable employees to improve their attributes and certain qualities so that they can present themselves better and engage in effective interactions among other co-employees in the workplace.

Corporate Training 101 - Soft Skills

Improper or insufficient soft skills create disorganized employee structure which ultimately leads to unexpected hurdles, poor growth and delayed success. Contrary to this, workflow strong with soft skills results in a collaborative and respectful corporate culture.

Breaking The Myths

The world of corporate employee training is ridden with several stereotypical beliefs which we have explained here in brief:

Myth #1: The employee performance is proportional to frequent training sessions

In the era when quality is the priority, giving so much emphasis on the frequency of training sessions would not bring as many results. Increasing the number of training hours wouldn’t essentially improve employees’ skills. In fact, such practice often leads to mediocre ROI.

The best bet is to believe in quality more than quantity. You should worry more about adding to employee focus, their ability to grasp the core values and the way information is delivered during the sessions. Keep it short, concise, and engaging; include what is really important for your workflow and try to pare down all the fluff.

Myth #2: Training is exclusive for new recruits

Many learners and businesses have a misbelief that the training is only designed for newly hired professionals and not for the existing workforce. On the contrary, a meaningful high-quality training program can help individuals stay updated and informed. Additionally, more ongoing training sessions mean gaining a few more skills that act as a learning opportunity for employees.

Myth #3: Corporate Training is bland and boring

The best way to engage learners at the time of training is to make the content highly relevant and entertaining via gamification. Also, successful training has a lot to do with the right class where you show how crucial education is to drive their performance in the future.

If you make the content in a way employees relate to, they will pay more attention and would never assume that Corporate Training is boring.

Finally, focus on employee engagement programs

It is inevitable for you to invest in corporate employee training. But the right content will offer double returns and bring more engagement. Enhanced employee engagement and involvement means practically gaining more knowledge that they can apply to their tasks.

Make sure your learners get more information on a professional scale, ultimately fulfilling the aim of the Corporate Training program – which is to boost daily performance.

Want to upskill your employees online? Find out how to get started with Edureka’s Corporate Training, or write back to us at


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Corporate Training 101: Everything You Need To Know